Jumat, Agustus 30, 2013
Resep Coca Cola Terbongkar, Dicurigai Mengandung Alkohol
Situs broadcasting online This American Life mengklaim telah menemukan resep rahasia minuman ringan Coca Cola, yang di dalamnya terdapat bahan alkohol,berdasarkan foto berisi replika resep John Pemberton, penemu racikan bahan baku Coca Cola.
Selama ini minuman ringan Coca Cola, cukup digemari oleh banyak kalangan di seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Selain memang memberikan sensasi yang enak, salah satu yang membuat minuman ini populer, adalah resep rahasia yang terkandung dalam minuman itu.
Setelah sekian lama menjadi misteri, sebuah situs bernama thisamericanlife.org mengklaim berhasil mengungkap kandungan dan porsi bahan-bahan yang terdapat di dalam minuman tersebut.
Namun seperti dilansir Telegraph, Kamis (17/2/2011), salah satu kandungan yang tersaji dalam resep rahasia Coca Cola itu adalah, penggunaan alkohol sebagai bahan penyertanya. Disebutkan di situs tersebut, bahan alkohol dicampurkan sebanyak 8 ons, bersama dengan puluhan resep lainnya.
Perdagangan Bebas ASEAN dan China 2015
Sejak 1 Januari 2010 ini, Indonesia bersama ASEAN menapaki era perdagangan bebas ASEAN-China (ACFTA). Pertanyaannya: Apa implikasi perdagangan bebas ASEAN-China bagi perekonomian Indonesia, khususnya bagi industri dalam negeri, pertanian, dan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) ?
Mengacu dokumen ACFTA, tujuan perjanjian perdagangan bebas ASEAN-China untuk memperkuat dan meningkatkan kerjasama perdagangan kedua pihak dan meliberalisasikan perdagangan barang dan jasa melalui pengurangan atau penghapusan tariff atau bea masuk. Juga untuk mencari area baru dan mengembangkan kerjasama ekonomi saling menguntungkan serta memfasilitasi integrasi ekonomi yang lebih efektif dengan negara anggota baru ASEAN dan menjembatani gap yang ada di antara kedua belah pihak.
App Itunes Islam : Fasting In Islam
This new app is designed to provide you with complete information and guidelines about the fourth Pillar in Islam; fasting the Holy month of Ramadan.
The app clarifies the main rules of fasting as to when and how we start our fast and break it, who should fast and who is exempt from fasting, the great objectives of fasting, and the amazing blessings and rewards that we are granted from fasting.
Furthermore, it highlights one of the two celebrations (Eids) in Islam that directly follows the Holy month of Ramadan and holds a very special place in the hearts of all Muslims around the world; Eid al-Fitr.
Jumat, Agustus 23, 2013
App Itunes Islam : Clothing In Islam
This new application clarifies the overall public decency and dress code of Muslim men and women and highlights the standards/codes of modesty and the minimum requirements Believers should meet that are outlined by Islam. This app also provides you with complete information and guidelines about Clothing in Islam and other related topics including the reason for clothing and the prohibited types of clothing in Islam on both men and women.
Click Here To Download, FREE ( 20.7 MB). IPad Requires.
Click Here To Download, FREE ( 20.7 MB). IPad Requires.
Sabtu, Agustus 17, 2013
App Itunes Islam : Family In Islam
This new app is designed to provide you with complete information and guidelines about the Family and its importance in Islam; family is considered the corner stone of Islamic society. This app sheds the light on the dynamics, rights and limitations in marriages, inter-family relationships (husband-wife, parents-children, brothers and sisters with one another) and the relationships with other relatives and extended family members. It also explains how Islam goes about placing a great deal of emphasis on protecting these rights as portrayed in many places in the Holy Quran and authentic Sunnah.
Jumat, Agustus 16, 2013
App Itunes Islam : Financial Transactions In Islam
This app is designed to provide you with complete information and guidelines about Financial Transactions in Islam and other important financial-transactions-related topics including a clarification for the rules regarding Financial Transaction in Islam as well as clarifications for the types of prohibited dealings from which the Muslim should refrain. It also highlights the major Sharia laws by which the Muslim is expected to comply when dealing with financial matters.
Author: Fahd Salem Bahammam
Click Here To Download This APP FREE ( 16 MB ) IPad requires.
Kamis, Agustus 15, 2013
App Itunes Islam : Food And Drink In Islam
This app is designed to provide you with complete information and guidelines about Food and Drink in Islam and other important food-and-drink-related topics including the importance of distinguishing between Halal (permitted) and Haram (prohibited) foods and its consequent effects on the answering of a Muslim’s supplications and prayers. It also clarifies the Islamic manners in eating and drinking.
DOWNLOAD THIS APP FREE ( 16, 3 MB ) IPad requires.
Rabu, Agustus 14, 2013
App Itunes Islam : Muslim Faith
Muslim Faith (Iman) is the latest dedicated app that is designed to provide you with complete information and guidelines about Faith and other important faith-related topics that include the testimony of Faith: its definition and requirements; the meaning of worship; belief in Allah's names and traits; the six articles of Faith: belief in Allah, belief in Angels, belief in the Divine Books, belief in the Prophets and Messengers, belief in the Last Judgment (the hereafter), and belief in the Divine Decree (the predestination).
Faith will lead you to the rightful path and Allah's boundless mercy. Consequently, you will be able to enjoy the everlasting bliss in Paradise if Allah (God) wills.
This app consists of a user-friendly interface and a full screen mode combined with an audio feature.
DOWNLOAD THIS APP FREE ( 53,7 MB ) IPad requires.
Selasa, Agustus 13, 2013
App Itunes Islam : Zakat In Islam
This app is designed to provide you with complete information and guidelines about Purification of Wealth in Islam (Zakat), which is the third pillar of Islam after Faith (Shahadah) and Prayers (Salat). It further explains different Zakat-related topics that include the objectives of Zakat, who qualifies for Zakat and how it should be distributed, how to know when Zakat is due and how to calculate it, and the difference between charity and Zakat.
Senin, Agustus 12, 2013
App Itunes Islam : Muslims Prayer
This new app is designed to provide you with complete information and guidelines about the second pillar and the most important act of worship in Islam after believing that there is no God to worship but Allah (SWT) and that Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is His messenger; performing the five obligatory prayers as per God’s order. It clarifies the Muslim Prayer’s position and virtues in Islam and other related topic in a simple and easy-to-comprehend manner.
Click Here For Download This App (FREE, 108 MB. Ipad )
Click Here For Download This App (FREE, 108 MB. Ipad )
Minggu, Agustus 11, 2013
App Itunes Islam : Muslim Purification (Tahhaara)
Muslim Purity (Taharah) is the latest dedicated app that is designed to give you complete information and guidelines about the Muslim Purity, its meaning, description and verdicts from the Islamic point of view. It clarifies what the physical/ritual impurities in Islam are and how to purify ourselves from those impurities especially before performing prayers (Salat); the second pillar in Islam. The app also explains what Ablution (Wudoo’) is and when and how to perform it.
12 Hadits Lemah dan Palsu Seputar Ramadhan
Islam adalah agama yang ilmiah. Setiap amalan, keyakinan, atau ajaran yang disandarkan kepada Islam harus memiliki dasar dari Al Qur’an dan Hadits Nabi shallallahu’alaihi wa sallam yang otentik. Dengan ini, Islam tidak memberi celah kepada orang-orang yang beritikad buruk untuk menyusupkan pemikiran-pemikiran atau ajaran lain ke dalam ajaran Islam.
Karena pentingnya hal ini, tidak heran apabila Abdullah bin Mubarak rahimahullah mengatakan perkataan yang terkenal:
الإسناد من الدين، ولولا الإسناد؛ لقال من شاء ما شاء
“Sanad adalah bagian dari agama. Jika tidak ada sanad, maka orang akan berkata semaunya.” (Lihat dalam Muqaddimah Shahih Muslim, Juz I, halaman 12)
Dengan adanya sanad, suatu perkataan tentang ajaran Islam dapat ditelusuri asal-muasalnya.
Oleh karena itu, penting sekali bagi umat muslim untuk memilah hadits-hadits, antara yang shahih dan yang dhaif, agar diketahui amalan mana yang seharusnya diamalkan karena memang diajarkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu’alaihi wa sallam serta amalan mana yang tidak perlu dihiraukan karena tidak pernah diajarkan oleh beliau.
Berkaitan dengan bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkah ini, akan kami sampaikan beberapa hadits lemah dan palsu mengenai puasa yang banyak tersebar di masyarakat. Untuk memudahkan pembaca, kami tidak menjelaskan sisi kelemahan hadits, namun hanya akan menyebutkan kesimpulan para pakar hadits yang menelitinya. Pembaca yang ingin menelusuri sisi kelemahan hadits, dapat merujuk pada kitab para ulama yang bersangkutan.
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